White Valley's Mahogany Millie (Millie)

White Valley's Mahogany Millie (Millie)

  • Weight: 16lbs

      This little redhead is a firecracker! Her personality is just as vibrant as her gorgeous chocolate brindle coat! Millie is very inquisitive, always up for an adventure and loves to instigate a game of "tug" any chance she gets. She's insanely fast...this girl can run for days! And she's one heck of a jumper!

           When she's not engaging in some of her favorite rowdy activities, she's giving lots of kisses and some great cuddles. She's the perfect combination of a fun-loving burst of energy, meets the best cuddle partner you've ever had!

          Millie also has the cutest pouty lip and the most precious hazel puppy-dog eyes that could melt even the coldest heart of stone...needless to say, I don't believe she's ever heard the word "No" in her entire life!

          Millie is a great travel partner who loves to accompany us on any adventure. She's smart, loves to learn and play, loves her family and is a very loyal girl. If I were to describe her in a sile sentence, I would say she's as sweet as honey, has a heart of gold and the courage of a lion! Perfectly balanced, wonderfully colorful in every sense of the word!