About Me




          Specializing in Quality, Committed to Excellence. Raising health tested, quality AKC colored and standard Boston Terriers. 


          White Valley Boston Terriers is dedicated to producing the highest quality, healthiest, happiest puppies that we can possibly produce! We put an extensive amount of research, care and consideration into each one of our breedings. We are passionate about Boston Terriers and we strive to provide families with quality puppies at a competitive price; because we want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the joy that we have, adding these wonderful dogs to our family!



          Hello, my name is Kelly! I've been an animal lover all my life. Anyone who knows me; especially those who knew me as a child, can attest to the all too often stray or homeless furry, feathered, and even scaled and shelled babies I carried home to nurture and love.                 

          By nature, I am a nurturer. That is part of the reason that I'm currently a caregiver for senior citizens. There is no greater honor than to care for those who have cared for and raised our generation. I also worked in childcare for the better part of 10-12 years. There's something amazing about watching the little sponges that are children, so rapidly grow and learn by absorbing everything they see, hear and experience.                                             

          I have an absolute love for growth and development. Having experienced the joy of motherhood with 2 wonderfully amazing boys of my own, I aspired to deliver babies at some point in my life. While I've never helped deliver a human baby, I've assited in delivering countless animal babies. It has been a blessing and a pleasure. The years of dedication; the blood, sweat, tears, heart and soul that I've poured into my program speaks volumes in terms of growth. I grew up around breeding programs, assisted with training, breeding/whelping, competition and show preparation, and have been breeding dogs myself for the better part of 12 years.                           

          Before there was Google, before there was a plethora of information at our fingertips, I spent countless hours at the library. I borrowed and ordered as many books as I could get my hands on. I researched extensively for years before I even purchased my first breeding pair. And the rest, as they say, is history. I have learned a considerable amount of useful information and gained experience at a magnitude that cannot be learned anywhere else but firsthand. However, breeding, raising and caring for my dogs still provides me with a never-ending source of education. No matter how much I think I know, there is always more to learn!

          I'm so happy that you've chosen to visit my About Me section. I feel as though getting to know your breeder is a vital step in the puppy purchasing process. I hope that you found this section enlightening. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns; I will be happy to address them. Thank you!